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Girls' club temporarily suspended
Train up a child in the way he should go;
even when he is old he will not depart from it. - Proverbs 22:6, ESV
Welcome to Bethany Girls’ Club! From in-depth Bible lessons and sharing to crafts and laughs, Girls' Club give girls practical tools to grow in God while hanging out with other girls. For girls in grades 3 through 8, this program focuses on the unique qualities of God. A strong component of this program is the mentoring that the girls receive from mature, loving, women of God.
For girls in grades 3 through 8.
Monday afternoons from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m.
The program includes fellowship, crafts, and Bible lessons.
Starts at the end of September, but girls can join at any time.
3rd through 8th
4:30 PM to 6:00 PM

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